This UFO Documentary Exposes Everything You Need To Know About Alien Races

This UFO Documentary Exposes Everything You Need To Know About Alien Races
Some of the extraordinary alien races in this documentary have rarely, if ever, been heard of before. We are going to look at the alien agenda, which varies amongst different species and the alien hybrid program. Surprisingly, the agenda is not always bad.

Some of the species covered by contactee experiencers are Alien Greys: Grey-skinned and glassy-eyed, these are the aliens you’ll most often see on the tv. Nordic Aliens While they get their name from their resemblance to Scandinavians, these aliens actually hail from the Pleiades star cluster. Tall Whites Not that much is known about this group except that they’re tall, white, and crazy about Earth culture. Reptilians While they are initially lizard-like in appearance, these creatures employ molecular shapeshifting to take on any form. Mantis Insectoid Aliens: Bug people! Giant, super-intelligent species from outer space.

7 thoughts on “This UFO Documentary Exposes Everything You Need To Know About Alien Races

  1. So much information given from non human beings and you still display a globe to represent our current location?

  2. the one drawing had the free masson drawing in it /….deffenitly being tricked by demons sorry to burst your bubble

  3. Simply they were high technology beings tasked for a mission here yet seduced by there power and technology and failed there training and came here early !
    The Lord knew they would fail , its up to us to either be seduced by there technology or believe in our non-material spiritual truth of things the Lord gave us.

    They were given ultra-high technology but many generations they have created much and also workers and builders were created thru knowledge of DNA compatibility science they developed and Humans are used as well !
    Many different looking beings are not ET but creations !
    The original beings it is written live 1000 years !

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